FPBU offers several foreign language elective courses for undergraduates, as shown below.
- Mandarin Chinese: Bahasa Mandarin (3 levels)
- Japanese language: Bahasa Japun (3 Levels)
- French language: Bahasa Perancis (1 level)
The contact hours for all University Elective (foreign Language) courses are 3 hours per week for both Mandarin Chinese and Japanese language, 2 hours for French language. Students who have adequate proficiency in the respective language only allowed to register the course. Please consult the course moderator for advice.
Course synopsis: This course is intended for students who have no previous knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. It offers an introduction to Mandarin Chinese language and culture. The course aims to provide students with the basic proficiency for Mandarin Chinese and at the same time to expose the selected simple Hanzi (Chinese characters) and basic sentence-structures which will prepare students for the higher level of Mandarin learning. This course is equivalent to A1(1) level of Chinese language education which has been designed according to CEFR. (Common European Framework of Reference). The course focus on communicative language at this level, students are expected to produce short video for the speaking and type simple sentence in Hanzi at the end of course. The course will cover Chinese cultural values that will be discussed to study the crossing points between Chinese and Islamic values.
Credit Hours (3 hours per week)
Course synopsis: This course is designed to help students to improve their Mandarin proficiency level. The course develops all four core language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as grammatical structures of the target language. It also further develops and offer active comprehension skills in listening and reading, with emphasis placed on the skills necessary for effective oral and written communication in the target language. The course also builds on knowledge of the sociocultural aspects of the regions/countries in which the languages are spoken and to continue to develop transferable skills necessary for the higher language study. This course is equivalent to A1(2) level of Chinese language education which has been designed according to Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Chinese culture will be discussed with comparison of Islamic value in this course.
Credit Hours (3 hours per week)
Pre-requisites:Pass BMA2013 (Mandarin I)
Course synopsis: This course is designed according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Level A2 of basic user. The course aims to further develop the all skills of Mandarin Chinese acquired by students who have progressed from Mandarin I(BMA2013) and Mandarin II (BMA 2023). The course utilizes a practical approach to enable students to recognize Hanzi (Chinese Characters), Chinese phrase and key sentences patterns for daily use. The course will introduce core Chinese cultures which covered in some topics to enhance the understanding towards Chinese values and learning them from comparative point of view with the Islamic values. By the end of course, students would be able to converse their daily life and personal interests in Mandarin Chinese and be able to read simple Chinese texts in Hanzi.
Credit Hours (3 hours per week)
Pre-requisites:Pass BMA2023 (Mandarin II)



Course synopsis: This course is designed for students with minimum basic or zero knowledge to learn Japanese language and culture at the same time. The textbook for this course is「まるごと日本のことばとぶんか」A1 入門 “Marugoto nihon no kotoba to bunka A1 Starter” is supported by online media learning that will enable students to have a clear image of Japanese language usage and culture. Japanese I (BJA 2013) is a coverage of 50% from the A1 level of Japanese Language Standard designed by the Japan Foundation that indicates basic users’ skill. The Japan Foundation Standard (herein after JF Standard) by The Japan Foundation used in this course is a framework that is specifically designed according to the Common European Framework (CEFR) aligned to university and Higher Education Ministry requirement in foreign language learning. Instead of learning language for communication purposes, students will also experience culture thru the course topical lessons.
By the end of this beginner level, students will be able to understand short and simple phrases and recognizing the writing system in Japanese language. Students will also able to converse in simple Japanese to talk about themselves and things surrounding them.
Credit Hours (3 hours per week)
Course synopsis: Japanese II is the completion of Japanese Language for basic users’ level. It is the extension of Japanese I to reach the standard of basic user of A1 level according to the Japan Foundation Standard. Using the same textbook in Japanese II (BJA 2023) students will learn to write using Japanese writing system (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji). The topical lessons will prepare students to be able to give simple directions and rehearsed statement. At the end of this level, students will also learn to do a simple presentation about things and places around them.
Credit Hours (3 hours per week)
Pre-requisites: pass BJA 2013 Japanese I
Course synopsis: Japanese III (BJA 3033) is the second part of basic user level of Japan Foundation Standard. The textbook for this course is 「まるごと日本のことばとぶんか」A2 初級1 “Marugoto nihon no kotoba to bunka A2 Beginner 1”. The newly developed textbook “Marugoto” was designed in spherical system that enable students to learn more in depth about certain topics. Thus, some topics remain the same as previous levels (Japanese I & Japanese II) and the level of grammar and vocabularies is higher and more in-depth. At the same time, students will also learn more new Kanji and vocabularies that will enable them to present a written and verbal report in selected topic.
Upon the completion of Japanese III, students are will be able to sit for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) that is recognized globally as language proficiency. There are 5 levels of JLPT proficiency N1 ~ N5, and the Japanese I ~ III will enable the students to sit for N5 level.
Credit Hours (3 hours per week)
Pre-requisites: pass BJA 2023 Japanese II



Course synopsis: This course is designed to meet the communication skills in line with the Common European Reference for the Languages (CERL) level A1 (beginner). Learners will develop basic skills for everyday use in communication. They will be exposed to vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar sufficient to become functional at a beginners level, both in written and spoken French. They will also be introduced to authentic short texts to develop knowledge and understanding of French and francophone cultures and societies.
This course is relevant to the university’s vision of integrating the naqli and aqli element in order to produce world class graduates.
Credit Hours (2 hours per week)

For any enquiries, please contact: